Alumni Series: Finn Mannion
Name: Finn Mannion
Name: Finn Mannion
By Steven White
Press Release
By Headmistress, Ali Kinge
An interview with Peter Banks
By The Friends of Ardvreck
Not long after Ali Kinge took over the headship of our school, we had our first Friends of Ardvreck meeting of the academic year. The first one is always a fun and exciting meeting. We greet new volunteers and welcome them onto the team. We brain storm new and exciting ideas for fundraising events and projects that we can run or help with that add something extra to the wonderful experience our children are having at Ardvreck.
By Andy Robertson
‘This is so cool!’ exclaimed Henri as yet another seal head bobbed up in front of our sea kayaks. Behind us, a string of brightly coloured boats delicately danced on the waves as they made their way to the shore and the waiting minibus.
Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
David Nicholas Henderson James
Name: Molly Brocklehurst
Name: Pollyanna Murray
Name: Charles Bushby