16 Sep 2024
Since 1883, Ardvreck has been preparing boys, and later girls, for further education and life beyond. For over 135 years the school on the hill has inspired each child to develop their full potential through a spirit of achievement and educational adventure, in the process making friends for life. Every pupil at Ardvreck becomes an Old Ardvreckian and is warmly welcomed into the wider family community.
Our aim is to maintain strong links with our Old Ardvreckians and we encourage you to ensure that we have your current contact details so that we can keep in touch with you about upcoming events and OA news. If you have lost touch with the school, or know anyone else who has, we would love to hear from you.
In time, we hope to expand our alumni services to provide regular newsletters and invitations to OA events, as well as putting pupils back in touch with each other. Old Ardvreckians are always most welcome to return and visit the school, and can be assured of a warm welcome. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter where we enjoy sharing Old Ardvreckian news, photographs and memories of Barvicks, dams and dens and the Crabbie Hall to name but a few!
If you have not heard from us recently or if you think we may not have your current contact details, we strongly encourage you to email our Alumni Secretary, Annie Le Roy-Lewis, at alumni@ardvreckschool.co.uk. If you do not have access to email then please call Annie on 01764 653112 so that she can update your postal address.
We are delighted to invite our Old Ardvreckians to the inaugural Ardvreck Golf Day which is being held on Tuesday 15th April 2025 at Blairgowrie Golf Club, Perthshire at a cost of £70 to include coffee/bacon roll, a round of golf and lunch. This is our first foray into the world of golf, to which we will also be inviting current Ardvreck parents and staff. If you would like to take part in the day, then please email Annie via alumni@ardvreckschool.co.uk who will be delighted to send you further information and a booking form. This invitation has been sent out by email to all our Old Ardvreckians that we have email for. If you did not receive the invitation or know of an Old Ardvreckian that has not received the invitation, then please let Annie know.
Welcome to our family of Ardvreckians. We hope to entice you back to Ardvreck through our new Alumni campaign. We want to reconnect you to friends and memories of your time here, whilst keeping you up to date with today’s Ardvreck through news and events. Perhaps we can even persuade you to attend a Barvick?
I am delighted to introduce you to our Alumni Secretary, Annie Le Roy-Lewis, who knows the school very well and has a passion for helping maintain links between the school and its Alumni.
I very much look forward to meeting you in person one day, either at an Alumni event or when you visit the school. We guarantee our Alumni a very warm welcome.
Here you will find a timeline of some key events that make up significant dates in Ardvreck School’s history and evolution. It is by no means an exhaustive list!
W E Frost leaves Glenalmond and sets up school at Dalmhor in Crieff
School moves to Springbank
School moves into its own new premises at Dalvreck
Rifle Club founded. First Rugby Blue – J. Burt-Marshall for Cambridge
Semi Jubilee celebrations. Purchase of surrounding ground
First O.A. Dinner – North British Hotel (now the Balmoral), Edinburgh
Ardvreck beds on Ambulance barges
First Ardvreck Scouts – not attached to the Baden-Powell movement
Unveiling of the St Michael’s War Memorial
Joan English born. 1st girl pupil at Ardvreck. (Margaret English born 1925)
Bill Frost dies. Buried at Ochtertyre
The Usher Pavilion erected. First ‘Founder’s Days’, July 5th
Electricity replaces gas at the school
First general O.A. Dinner – Grosvenor Restaurant, Glasgow
Formation of 43rd Perthshire Scout Troop
Building of Crabbie Hall, Open Fives Court rebuilt beside the covered one
Jubilee Celebrations. Access Tunnel to the games field built under the Comrie Road
Acquisition of The Heugh
Ardvreck boys provide ‘comforts’ for the troops
First O.A. Rugby Cap for Scotland – W S Glen
Start of Ivor Ramsay Essays
School becomes an Educational Trust
Ardlarach built. The San becomes ‘Brae of Ardvreck’. Launch of the new House system: Barrie and Scott formed from the Greeks, Buchan and Burns from the Trojans
Construction of the classroom block. Demise of the Five Courts
First Day Pupils
Appeal: Classroom Block extended. Modernisation in Heugh and Main School
Present Swimming Pool completed replacing one by R Turret
Appeal: levelling and draining of the top pitch
Admission of girls
First edition of The ‘Ard Times. Launching of Friends of Ardvreck. Start of Pre-Prep
Launching of the Centenary Appeal. First School Ski holiday – Zell am Ziller in Austria
Centenary Celebrations. Opening of the Centenary Building
Opening of MacLellan House, The Heugh having been sold
Opening of Erskine House
Ardvreck’s first visit to Rua Fiola
Opening of the Music School. First Ardvreck Prep Schools’ Netball Tournament
Levelling, widening, lengthening and draining of lower games pitches
New Pavilion opened, replacing the Usher pavilion
Swimming Pool covered. New Classroom Block completed
First Hosting of the Triangular Athletics at Ardvreck. 50th issue of ‘Ard Times. Pre-prep and Form 2 move to new premises
Victorian Era Celebrations of the Centenary of the change in the school’s name. Opening of Ardvreck Nursery Department
National V.E. Day holiday. Friends Reels Party in the Crabbie on a V.E. Day theme
Inaugural Ardvreck Invitation Rugby Sevens Tournament
Francis Finlay, O.A., cuts the first turf for the Finlay Hall. First school visit to Chateau de la Baudonniere
Millennial Match at Culdees Castle between Ardvreck 1st XI and a Gentleman’s XI, Centenary of one played there in July 1900. Opening of the Finlay Hall. Demise of the old Carpentry Hut. Andrew Foster Assault Course constructed. Advent of Ardvreck Pipe Band
Participation for the first time in Scottish Schools’s Clay Pigeon Championships
New record set in St. Patrick’s Shield, British Prep Schools’ Trophy 798/800
Ardvreck boys British Prep Schools’ Ski Champions
Canadian Delegation collects Piper James Richardson V.C.’s pipes after 75 years in the school museum
125 Celebrations
Founder's Day Celebration. To mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Ardvreck’s Founder, W E Frost, we held a Founder’s Day on Saturday 21st May 2022 to which we invited all our alumni, past headmasters and past members of staff. Over 100 guests joined us for a very happy and memorable event.
Ardvreck School are invited to feature in The Official Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Album
140th Annivesary Big Birthday Barvick.